The Class I Look Forward to in The Week

“On Mondays and Tuesdays, what I look forward to most in the day is Chinese class. I don’t always love, or get overly excited about taking the “core” classes required in high school. But when seventh period finally comes, I get to take Chinese. I love learning all about this language, all the different beautiful and unique characters of this unique language. Yes, Chinese can be incredibly difficult sometimes, learning how to say words and phrases and remembering them. The process is exciting to me. Many different activities provide ways to study Chinese culture, besides the language itself.  Occasionally we cook Chinese food while learning vocabulary for the different ingredients. On Chinese holidays we celebrate; this also helps our learning. I love the beauty of this language and learning about the age of it and how it has slowly evolved over time to its shape today. I do hope more students decide to take this class. And I do hope they enjoy it as much as I do.” – Nathaniel, 11th Grade




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