Student Visas (Non-Immigrant)

By Thai law, non-Thai students may not study while on a tourist visa; an appropriate visa must be obtained.

There are 2 options for non-Thai students:

  1. Non-Immigrant O (Follower): If the parents have Non-Immigrant B or Non-Immigrant R/R-A students may follow their parent's visa and study at CRICS.
  2. Non-Immigrant ED (Education): For students who get an ED visa through CRICS there is a student visa assistance fee of 2000 baht per student per school year. Parents are responsible for all visa application costs.

Guardian Visa (Non-Immigrant O)

Parents of those on a student visa may request paperwork to apply for a guardian visa; this allows a parent to live in Thailand for the purpose of caring for their children. The CRICS fee for a Guardian visa is 3000 baht per parent per school year. The family is responsible for all visa application costs. CRICS will not request a guardian visa on behalf of a parent who is working for another organization.

According to Thai law:

  1. A parent on a guardian visa may not work or volunteer in Thailand.
  2. There must be 500,000 baht in a Thai bank account (in the guardian's name) for at least 2 months before the guardian visa can be renewed.
  3. One guardian visa can be obtained for each child enrolled at CRICS on a Non-Immigrant ED visa.

*Visa regulations are subject to change at any time and may vary slightly depending on the embassy, consulate, or immigration office.

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