Please take note of these dress guidelines which apply to all CRICS staff and volunteers.
- Staff and volunteers are expected to consider how they dress in the context of living in a Christian community. All members of the community should follow the Biblical principle of considering the needs and feelings of others in the community first in order to honor Jesus, this includes how one dresses.
- To be a teacher in Thailand is to be in a place of honor in Thai society. School is considered a second home, and teachers are like second parents to their students. Besides teaching the regular curriculum, teachers are expected to teach and model proper conduct and morals. They are to live an exemplary life before their students, parents, and the community. One important standard is the teacher dress code. A teacher must dress properly as befits his or her station.
- Staff members are asked to remember that they are professionals, and their manner of dress should reflect that professionalism. Overly casual, tight fitting, or revealing clothing in the classroom is not appropriate in Thai culture.
- For men, ties and coats are not required at CRICS, but shirts should have buttons and/or collars and long pants should be worn. Please maintain a professional appearance at all times, wearing clothing that is appropriate for the activity that you are leading. Men may not wear T-shirts (graphic or writing), sleeveless shirts or shorts while teaching. Blues jeans may be worn if they look nice and not overly casual or worn (no holes please). Shorts may be worn only during P.E. instruction. Clothing and jewelry should be within the spirit of the dress code for male students.
- Professional dress for women teachers is to wear a dress or skirts whose length reaches at least four inches above the knee when kneeling (similar to student guidelines) professional looking pants that reach at least mid-calf. Blues jeans may be worn if they look nice and not overly casual or worn (no holes please). Clothing should not be form fitting. Women may not wear t-shirts (graphic or writing), tank tops or “bikini strap” shirts (sleeves should generally cover the shoulder), or any blouses with low necklines either in front or back. Shirts that reveal the mid section should be avoided. PE teachers may wear PE department shirts and shorts of a modest length to teach. Clothing and jewelry should be within the spirit of the dress code for female students.
- We would all like the freedom to dress as we want outside of school hours but please be careful that your dress doesn’t offend others in any way.
- Elementary teachers may dress appropriate for classroom activities, such as art projects, sitting on the floor with students, etc.
- There will be days when teachers need to dress formally. Please consider days when we are to be models within the community.
Additional Tips from Teachers:
On a formal occasion it may be appropriate to wear close-toed shoes and to wear a business jacket as is customary in Thailand.
If you or your children are tall you will want to bring with you plenty of long pants/skirts because it will be harder to find those here.
For most of the year it is very warm. August-October will be hot and rainy season. Cool and dry season is November to February. March and April it will be hot and dry before the rainy season starts again in May. Female teachers often wear capris and skirts and sandals. Out of respect for the culture don’t wear shorts or sleeveless shirts or too short skirts to school. Do bring a few long sleeve shirts and jeans and pants for school when it’s cooler. Nice jeans are ok to wear to school. Teachers can wear their shoes in the classrooms, students slip off their shoes at the door. A lot of places you’ll find yourself slipping off your shoes before you enter a home, etc. Remember to bring shoes good for the rainy season: flip flops, crocs, sandals that can wet.
Students wear a school uniform shirt purchased at the school. They can wear their choice of pants/skirts/shorts that are modest.